03 9350 3533

Industrial Sector

Industrial projects are a mammoth undertaking that requires a lot of experience. In particular, scaffolding in the industrial sector needs to be tailored to the individual project to ensure functionality and that safety regulations are met.

We understand that work needs to carry on as usual and we complete our work as efficiently and precisely to guarantee minimal downtime.

Our highly trained team have worked on:

Construction Sites

Shutdown Work

Maintenance Work

 with a unique set of expertise
in the industrial sector.

Industrial Sector

Industrial projects are a mammoth undertaking that requires a lot of experience. In particular, scaffolding in the industrial sector needs to be tailored to the individual project to ensure functionality and that safety regulations are met.

We understand that work needs to carry on as usual and we complete our work as efficiently and precisely to guarantee minimal downtime.

Our highly trained team have worked on

Construction Sites

Shutdown Work

Maintenance Work


We will always assess a site before providing scaffolding to guarantee minimal downtime of the industrial site throughout the project.

Our team doesn’t simply deliver generic scaffolding with a set of instructions. We provide, construct and maintain precise, tailored scaffolding explicitly designed for your project.

Moreover, our team conducts ongoing safety and site checks to maximise the safety of your team throughout the project. Once the work is complete, our team will efficiently dismantle the scaffolding.

Even when breakdowns and machine issues occur, we have the ability to react quickly to minimise downtime in the production process.

All projects are made simpler with Select Access.